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Ceramic setters

Ceramic setters

Ceramic Setters are special items of kiln furniture which, in the ceramic tableware industry, are shaped (generally on their upper surface) to conform with the undersurface of plates and dishes and which serve to support ware and maintain its shape in the kiln during firing.

Anderman offers an extensive range of Profile Ceramic Setters for the support of Bone China tableware during the biscuit firing as well as base setters and bedding setters for supporting Earthenware and Stoneware. We also supply cup rings to maintain the roundness of the rim of cups and small hollow ware.

Saggers can be used to contain small parts or powders during firing.
Saggers can be stacked to utilize available kiln space and are available in various different materials to suit temperature cycles.

  • Custom design to suit plate shape
  • Fast track manufacture of samples
  • Lightweight design


Standard materials

Cordierite, alumina, NSiC (nitride bond), RBSiC (reaction bond)

See Materials menu above for detail

From a sample of the fired or clay (green) shape, or alternatively a detailed drawing, together with the contraction dry to fired, we can check our existing range for an existing setter. Alternatively, we can develop a new profile setter to suit customer requirements.